WELCOME TO THE BAYLISS LINE. This blog has been created for my family. By "my family" I mean all those who are related to the Bayliss family either by blood, marriage or even relationship. There are, of course, other Bayliss families not related to us but this blog has at its heart a very specific family who had their origins in Gloucestershire. I am connected to that family because my mother was a Bayliss and it was her curiosity that started my research back in the early 1990's. So, what are you likely to see on this blog? Well, as it is a blog, I want it to be as entertaining as possible rather that a dry listing of facts (that is for Ancestry.com). I will, hopefully, be posting entries on our ancestors and relatives, on the places where they lived, and the historical times they lived through. I have an extensive collection of photographs of people and places which I will, of course, be sharing.

I'd like to ask anybody who reads this blog to give me some feedback. I'd really like this to be a two way thing. It sometimes unearths new information and, to be honest, it gives me encouragement. There will be two ways of providing feedback - either through the comment button (you will need a Google account for this) or via the e-mail address which appears on this page - alternatively, ring me. Now scroll down to read the latest entries.....and, of course, via Facebook.


44, 42, 40 Pemberton Gardens.

                  As I delve further into the story of our family the importance of certain streets becomes more and more apparent.  Pemberton Gardens is the most obvious example. I thought I knew where everybody had lived  but I'm discovering new connections all the time. Our family and relatives lived in Upper Holloway between the 1850's and 1990 and moved around quite a bit. Below is an attempt to list the houses where they lived at various times.   As they appear the streets will be listed in alphabetical order.  If you find a mistake or omission please let me know. Female members of the family are referred to by their maiden names but + between two names denotes a married couple.  If a name looks unfamiliar don't worry, it should appear on the blog at a later date - but, of course, if you are really curious you can always contact me. I have, as usual, only gone as far as my parent's generation but have signified my generation by "and family", even if, as in the case of my own mother, only one child is involved. Names can be checked on the Bayliss Family chart available elsewhere on this blog. Flats are in Italics and some streets in adjacent districts have been included. "and family" denotes family members of my generation or younger.  An asterisk * before a street name denotes that the street no longer exists, likewise, one before an address denotes that the individual building has been demolished as far as I can ascertain - corrections will be made as information becomes available. Please note that no addresses are current.

*Anatola Road (N.19) Exists today only as a walkway through an estate of flats.

 6 Albert Charles Bayliss + Minnie Rebecca Dumayne
     Albert Charles Bayliss (2)
     Oliver Charles Bayliss
     Hector George Bayliss
     Alfred Percy Bayliss
     Oliver Dumayne + Ann Price
  7 Charles William Bayliss + Nancy Harriett Curtis
     Albert Charles Bayliss + Minnie Rebecca Dumayne
     Alfred Percy Bayliss + Ethel Mauad Board
     Peter Bayliss
     John Bayliss
     George Bayliss
     Herbert Bayliss
     Eleonor Maude Bayliss
     Louisa Nancy Bayliss
     Hector George Bayliss

Annesley Road (N.19)
Annesley Road, Hargrave Park School
can be seen at the far end.



     John Robert Abbotts +  Mary Eele
     Esther Abbotts
     Daisy Abbotts

Ashbrook Road (N.19)
     Cecilia Abbott + Bernard Dell and family

Bartholomew Road (NW3)
17 Ethel Bayliss + Ernest Harris

Bemerton Street (N.1)
     Charles Bayliss owned property here.

Bertram Street

Bickerton Road (N.19)

*Blenheim Road (N.19) * Now demolished.
17 Annie Abbotts + John Trippick
     John Trippick (2)

Blundell Street (N.7)
7 Charles William Bayliss + Nancy Harriett Curtis
   Louisa Nancy Bayliss

Bowerman Court (St.John's Way) (N.19)
   6 Ethel Bayliss and family

Bredgar Road (N.19)
13 Eleanor Maud Bayliss + Walter T. Farnell
15 Louisa Maude Cane + George H. Wright
     Dorothy Christine Wright
     Kathleen Mary Wright

*Brunswick Road (N.19)  * Now demolished.
38 Herbert Bayliss + Esther Abbotts
     Herbert Bayliss

Cathcart Hill (N.19)
   2 Florence (Cis) Bayliss + Frederick Abbott
      Cecilia Abbott
   7 Doris Dell + Ronald Bartram
      Alfred Dell + Daisy Margaret Brunt

Chester Road (N.19) 
56 Ada Elizabeth Hyde
     Nellie Eva Hyde
     Charles H Bayliss

Cottenham Road (N.19) (Now Sussex Way)
     Herbert Bayliss +   Esther Abbotts
     Herbert Bayliss (2)
     Florence Bayliss
     Ethel Bayliss
     Charles Bayliss

Cressida Road (N.19)
32 Arthur Bayliss + Phyllis May Brown and family

Ellenboro Road (N.19)
28 John William Trippick

Elthorne Road (N.19)
60  Eleanor Maud Bayliss (this may be the same address as
      the Maud Farnell Tea Rooms below.
    *Tea Rooms (Eleanor Maud Bayliss)

Fortess Road (NW3)
      Ernest James Harris + Minnie Smith
      Ernest James Harris (2)

Fulbrook Road (N.19)
30 Ethel Bayliss and family
     George Harris

Giesback Road (N.19)
33 Ethel Bayliss + Ernest Harris

Hargrave Park (N.19)
*33 Ethel Bayliss + Ernest Harris
 *52 Arthur Bayliss + Phyllis May Brown and family
      Florence (Cis) Bayliss + Frederick Abbott
      Cecilia Abbott
 *53 Charles Henry Bayliss
      Nellie Eva Hyde
      Ada Elizabeth Hyde
      Harry George Hyde
 Hargrave Park School

Hargrave Road (N.19)
      Esther Abbotts + Richard Barrett

Hercules Road (N.7)

Holloway Road (N.19)
 740 Esther Abbotts
        Joyce Barrett + William Booth and Family
       William Barrett + Eileen Fisher
 720 Esther Abbotts + Richard Barrett
        Arthur Bayliss
Junction Road (N.19)

125 Ethel Bayliss + Ernest Harris
       Florence (Cis) Bayliss + Frederick Abbott
127 Florence (Cis) Bayliss + Frederick Abbott
       Morton's Fish Shop (Arthur Bayliss)

Landseer Road (N.19)
17 Alfred Peppitt + Louisa Foster
     Laura Peppitt

Levison Way (St.John's Way) (N.19) 
10  Ethel Bayliss and family

Longley House (Tufnell Park Road) (N.19)
13 Ethel Bayliss and Family

Marlborough Road (Formerly Hanley Road West)  (N.19)
*135 Charles Bayliss + Hannah Dance
                               + Matilda Lucy Holland
       Elizabeth Ann Bayliss
       Charles William Bayliss
       Amelia Bayliss
       John Bayliss
       Frances Mary Bayliss
 *137 Elizabeth Ann Bayliss + Charles Richard Scotcher

Mitford Road (N.19)
25 Alfred Peppitt + Louisa Foster
     Alfred Peppitt
     Laura Peppitt
     Arthur Peppitt
     William Peppitt

New Road (N.8)
26 Herbert Bayliss + Esther Bayliss
     Herbert Bayliss (2)
     Florence (Cis) Bayliss
     Ethel Bayliss

*Nicholay Road (N.19)
41 Louisa Nancy Bayliss + William Amburgh
     Rose Lydia Hamburg

*Orpingley Road (N.7)
*66 Louisa Bayliss    
       Nellie Hamurg

Pemberton Gardens (N.19)

12 Esther Abbotts
     Joyce Barrett + William Booth
     Stanley Bayliss + Gladys Seamons and family
     Esther Bayliss
     Gertrude Abbott and family
 *14 Ethel Bayliss and family
     Cecilia Abbott + Bernard Dell and family
19 Esther Abbotts + Charles Fitzgibbon
     Gertrude Abbott and family
     Herbert Bayliss
40 Ethel Bayliss and Family
42 Esther Abbotts
     Charles Henry Bayliss
44 Florence (Cis) Bayliss + Fred Abbott
     Ethel Bayliss and family
     Cecilia Abbott + Bernard Dell and Family
     Richard (Nibo) Barrett + Peggy Blake
     John Blake
     Stanley Bayliss
45 Ethel Bayliss and family
52 Ethel Bayliss and family
     Joyce Barrett + William Booth and family
60 Esther Abbotts
     Joyce Barrett + William Booth and family
10 St.John's Park Mansions - Charles Henry Bayliss +
          Nellie Eva Hyde and family.

Plumber Street (Now Provost Street) (N.1)
*17 Charles Bayliss + Hannah Dance
     Charles William Bayliss
     Elizabeth Ann Bayliss (The first Bayliss of our family born in London was born here.)

Raydon Street (N.19)
70 Raydon Street

Salisbury Walk (N.19)
127 Joyce Barrett + William Booth and family

Seven Sisters Road (N.7) 
      Greyhound Social Club (Ethel Bayliss) The building still exists.
      The club was situated above what is now a MacDonald's.

St. John's Grove (N.19)
   1 Esther Abbotts
      Joyce Barrett + William Booth and Family

St.John's Park Mansions (Pemberton Gardens) (N.19)
   6 Ethel Bayliss and Family
10 Charles Bayliss + Nellie Eva Hyde and Family

St. John's Villas (N.19)
  6  Ethel Bayliss and family
56  Arthur Bayliss + Phyllis May Brown

St. John's Way (formerly St.John's Road) (N.19)
20  Ethel Bayliss + Ernest Harris

Tavistock Terrace (N.19)
12 Charles Bayliss + Marjorie Preston
     Derek Bayliss
     Thomas William Preston + Rose Peppitt

Tremlett Grove (N.19)
30 Harry George Hyde + Irene Mabel Rayner

Tufnell Park Road (N19)
11 Ethel Bayliss + Ernest Harris
116  Thomas William Preston + Rose Peppitt
        Marjorie Rose Preston

Warrender Road (N.19)
1a Ernest James Harris + Minnie Smith and family

Waterlow Road (Formerly Bismark Road) N.19
     Arthur Bayliss + Phyllis May Brown

Wedmore Street (N.19)
     Esther Abbotts
     William Barrett

Whistler Street (N.5)
52  Nellie Hamburg

Windermere Road (N.19)
5 Herbert Bayliss + Esther Abbotts
   Herbert Bayliss(2) + Ada Wilson
   Esther Abbotts + Richard Barrett
   Florence Bayliss
   Ethel Bayliss
   Charles Henry Bayliss
   Arthur Bayliss
   Esther Bayliss
   Stanley Bayliss
5 Windermere Road

Witley Road (N.19)
15 Nellie Hamburg




  1. Hi there, Just to let you bloggers know that there is a very interesting book called "London Born" by Sidney Day. He was born at the Archway in 1912. He told his Granddaughter many a story about the area and she was captivated by them. She decided to write them down in this book. According to the book, he was still alive in 2005. The publishers are BCA (CN140036) I got my copy on Ebay. You can also purchase from ABE books at next to nothing. I was born and bred at the Archway, as was all my family (30's - 1998)and I didn't put this book down till I finished it. Great read. Almost forgot, Great Website too.

  2. Hi Ernest Bayliss

    Whilst looking for London Buses (my father worked at Holloway Road Depot in the fifties) I came across your
    Blog for Upper Holloway. I too lived in Pemberton Gardens and all your information was of immense interest to me;
    However, searching for your email address on your blog I came to a dead end.

    My son came to stay for a few days and let me send you this message via his Google account.

    1. Hi Dave,

      Great to hear from you. Please e-mail me at weaverbill@hotmail.co.uk. What number did you live in Pemberton Gardens and when?

  3. Hi there, Just a quick line to let you know that at the moment on e-bay there are some fantastic photo's of the Archway at the turn of the century. Log onto e-bay and call up Junction road or Upper Holloway. I normally look every week for old photo's of the Archway and they are normally repeated but this batch is unique. Giesbach rd, The old Church before Archway Central Hall, Junction Rd before the Co-op and the crossroads (Junction/Holloway/Highgate/St. Johns) by the Lion, all around the turn of the Century.

    1. Many thanks for the tip. I never go on e-bay usually so I will check these out.

  4. Hi I used to live at 65 Elthorne road ..My dad had the newsagents Fred Deacon there was a parade of shops all gone now ...

  5. hi, I was born in 7 ellenborough road n19 then moved to no 8. My dad was Jim Perry he married elsie spencer whose family lived at 22 ellenborough rd and when I was very small I remember the bombed sites at both ends of Ellenborough road.We are also related to the Montagues and the O'sheas. I remember Vics the newsagents and Spears sweet shop opposite the school. I believe my brother in law Brian Fox lived in Pemberton Gardens. After moving in 1964 we lost touch with a lot of people there.

    1. My nan and grandad as well as all their children lived in Ellenborough Rd. His name was Robert Spencer (robbo) he was a bricklayer and only had one arm, other lost in war. Elsie was his sister, didn't Jimmy move down the road into the flats in Sussex way? We moved out in 1962

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. My family (Stewart) lived at 5 Witley Road. The house was owned I believe by my grandad and my dad Charles (Charlie) lived there with my mum Doreen (dot) and brothers, Ray, David, Terry and Allan, as well as my uncle Harry and his family. My dad had 4 brothers Ted, Harry, John and Bill (who died in the 2nd World War) and his sister Rosie who died when she was 7. They moved out early 1960's before I was born. My mum lived in Windermere Road before marrying my dad, their house backed on to Witley Road. Would be very interested to hear from anyone who knew my family.
